
Mary A. Nicoloff, Corporate Secretary;
Alvin T. Rockhill, President & CEO;
William H. Beeson, M.D., Executive Vice President of R&D

The Full Story
Ad Lunam Labs Inc. is a privately held corporation that was founded byDr. William H. Beeson, M.D. and Alvin T. Rockhill. The term "Ad Lunam" comes from Latin and means "by the moon light." The company was incorporated on January 2, 2007.
Ad Lunam Labs manufactures, markets, and sells new skin care products that were developed through breakthrough discoveries made after years of research and testing. These discoveries relate to a greatly improved technique for delivering beneficial agents to the skin and to the novel use of extremely powerful antioxidants in skin care. Numerous research projects relating to new and improved skin care products are currentlyunderway. Ad Lunam is also participating in an ongoing research project with dermatologists in a major university trial.
Ad Lunam Labs is investigation the development of viable systems for better delivering antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other beneficial materials deep into the skin. Such new delivery systems can potentially be used to attain extraordinary results in skin appearance by a combination of firming, moisturizing, and rejuvenating actions.
At Ad Lunam Labs we believe that continuing research and testing is the most important key to our future. We are accordingly committed to continued improvement of all our skin care products based upon the results of ongoing research, development, and testing.

The corporate offices and headquarters of Ad Lunam
Labs are located in Moorcroft, Wyoming.